I had just gotten my new digital camera and couldn't wait to try it out. I did manage to take these pictures with the ocean water splashing up onto the rocks, where my family sat. Motherkitty is by far the best at taking pictures...I haven't seen any better pictures, than the ones she takes....so, if you ever want to have fun and come back with beautiful pictures...take Motherkitty with you.
I did learn one thing on our trip...stay out of New York City. I have never seen such a big traffic jam in all my life. And everytime we approached a bridge, they wanted $7 to cross it. One time we got in the wrong lane...they said they couldn't accept our cash there...we were in a lane that only accepted some kind of pass, that we didn't have. There were 7 lanes of vehicles, of all kinds, all jammed together like sardines in a can...we couldn't move...and the man kept repeating to us, that he couldn't accept our cash. I finally just handed him a twenty and told him to keep the change...walah, and on to the next bridge we went.
We got a little lost in Washington DC...needless to say...we saw everything twice. After that, they
took the map away from me and appointed a new map reader for the remainder of the trip.
I also lost my driving privileges when I crossed in front of a semi-tractor trailer truck that was speeding downhill.
The real highlight of our trip was getting to spend a couple of nights at the ocean. All was forgiven by that time and I was back in the good graces of my family. We ate breakfast outside at a little ocean front cafe watching the waves splash on the ocean floor...and at night we treated ourselves to room service, by the pizza delivery guy.
Our trip started out as a quick trip to Connecticut to pick up a part for my son's Triumph...but turned into an adventure that we will always remember.
Sandy, thanks for the kind remarks about my dubious picture-taking ability. I have learned to take better pictures with my digital than with my 35 mm. My sister, who is a professional photographer, is ALWAYS giving me pointers on how to take better pictures, so hopefully some of her nudging has worn off on me.
Your quickie trip to Connecticut sounds like an odyssey to be long remembered. What fun to travel with family and share all those adventures. When we travel like that, I like to drive and husband likes to navigate. We never get lost, I don't get frazzled with being a passenger, and both of us are happy.
Thanks for a super-great post.
It's great to get away to somewhere new, isn't it?
I love your tales of driving terror! Oh, and the guy at the toll booth? - what a crook!
Thanks also for you lovely comments to me, Sandy. It's great to have such supportive blog-friends!
I think you did a good job on your pictures.....I don't like driving on trips, and I don't like riding on trips, and I don't like flying on trips.....the older I get the more chicken I get.....I just seem to spass out......
but I do love the ocean too.....I can remember my first trip to CA I finally got to see the ocean, and I found kalp on the beach, and took close up pictures of it....I took pictures of everything, including the bottle brush trees, and korean grass......but where those pictures went I'll never know.....nice post Sandy.....
Thanks, Motherkitty, jellyhead and judypatooote for your nice comments.
Motherkitty...We never really got lost, I just missed the turn-off...and luckily for us, the road went in a giant circle that briefly went into another state and back again...and that's why we saw everything twice.
The turn-off was the very next road that we would have come to...when we first got on to the bypass.
But that's what makes these trips so memorable...it's the mistakes and blunders we make along the way.
Judypatooote...one question I have for you...How do you travel?
Mimi, thank you for the advise and the nice comment.
I went over to your web page and read about your lovely mother...it sounded like all ended well with your relationship with her...I know that you miss her very much.
I especially like how you and your children say, "I feel a grammy moment coming on."
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