As you probably already know, my son and his family were here on the weekend and they gave us early Valentine's gifts. I got a large coffee mug with hearts, a balloon and candy and, from my grandson, Brandon, I got a stuffed dog that whistles and a long pen with a purple, fuzzy headed bird on the eraser end...which we quickly named "Cucoo." My husband received a great big chocolate heart...yum, yum.
After they left I decided to have some fun with "Cucoo" and insert him into pictures and make up sub-titles about him to send to Brandon. I sent him several pictures of Cucoo's travels. On one particular picture, I wrote, "Cucoo and Pillsbury Dough Boy join forces to buy the Hostess Twinkies Company for 2 gazillion, trillion dollars."
I received an email from my daughter-in-law saying, "We loved the Cucoo pictures and we got a good laugh out of them...but, I just have one question. How did you get Cucoo to stand up between the twinkies and doughboy?"
I quickly typed out my response and said, "I had to bribe him."
I went on to say that, "Cocoo said that he wasn't standing next to no 'fat boy' unless Jimmy gave him the chocolate heart. I explained my dilemma to Jimmy, so he gave me the chocolate heart to give to Cucoo, so he would stand by the Pillsbury Dough Boy."
Down farther on the email I was preparing to send a small picture of how I really did get Cucoo to appear to stand...but first I had to take the picture with my camera. As I was preparing my subject (Cucoo)...my cat, Daisy, approached...got frightened by Cucoo and bolted!!! Files & discs went flying in all directions...my yellow, dancing chicken went flying up in the air and landed on the surge protector strip, shutting down the power to my computer, causing me to lose everything I was working on. One of my Hallmark Card disc's even got scratched.
After I turned the power back on, my email server wouldn't let me look at the email because, it thought it contained a virus...because it had shut my computer down. But actually Daisy and that flying chicken had shut it down, but the computer didn't know that...so,
I had to start all over again.
I started out laughing...because I thought I was giving her a witty answer to her question...and I ended up laughing...And when I think about the whole thing, I start laughing again.
This wasn't a "Cucoo Story," this really happened.
That darned cat! Very cute post. How did you get that Cucoo to stand up? I noticed in the picture with the yellow dancing chicken that Cucoo was in the jar with the other pens and pencils. Too bad you couldn't get Cucoo's face in that picture also. It would have looked cute with Cucoo looking over the yellow dancing chicken's shoulder.
Your son and family are very good to you. Glad you enjoyed the day so much.
Well, darn it!
Motherkitty, I never even thought to put that trouble making Cucoo in the picture with the dancing chicken.
I have had more fun with that Cucoo...
And your question was..."How did you get that Cucoo to stand up?"
I bribed him.
You should do a series of pictures in the vein of "Where's Waldo?" You could call it, "Where Cucoo?" and put him in improbable and impossible pictures, like taking a bath, exploring the refrigerator, lying in the hammock, playing with the cats, typing on the computer, sleeping in bed, etc., etc., etc. I think it would be funny.
Motherkitty, Brilliant minds think alike...It's funny you should mention a series about Cucoo. The reason I was posing Cucoo in different pictures and situations was for B------ & R---. You see I was trying to get them to start a blog about Cucoo as the theme.
They have rejected the idea so far, but I will continue to work on them.
I do like the name you suggested...
Where's Cucoo?
Social pressure always works and besides it is fun to talk to family.
Hint Hint
"Where Cucoo?"
"Where Cucoo?"
Motherkitty says "Happy Valentine's Day" to Cucoo and the people who live in your house.
Love this! you are so creative.
Anonymous, It would be nice if you left your name so that I would have an idea of who you are. Thank you for the compliment, anyway...and I'm glad you liked it.
I like cucoo....I can just picture everything flying, and computer shutting down, that is a very funny story Sandy.....
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