Brandon's big race day at the Pinewood Derby in Somerset, Kentucky. We spent most of the day watching scouts race little wooden derby cars that they cut out & designed themselves, with the help of their dads.
Brian and Brandon are registering their cars for the big race.
The man standing on the table lines up the cars on the ramp...they race 3 cars at a time.

This is the big screen where you watch the results as the cars cross the finish line.

Everyone is keeping a close eye on the race.

This is Brandon, in the scout uniform and his scout friend Matthew. Matthew & Brandon are BEST friends.

This is Brandon waiting for his car to cross the finish line.

This is Brandon and Matthew waiting for their turn to race.
Looks like a very big event and a fun family day!
Great pictures. Thanks for posting them so soon. I'm glad you all had such a nice time. We're waiting to see pictures of Brandon's and Brian's cars. Scouting activities are always so much fun, and it looks like you had a great turnout.
Michele sent me..
Looks like a great day!!!!! A friend of mine.. Her son did that and they had a blast!
Gee, right here in Somerset and I didn't hear anything about it. If it was in the paper then I missed it.
Looks like you had a fun time!
Grandma Bear you did a terrrific job posting this! Thank you for sharing and who says you can't take good pictures!!!!! You took some great pictures, mine are mostly movies. I would like to get a copy of your pictures PLEESE! VBS
Love ya,
Mama Bear
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