Monday, June 12, 2006

a tasty tidbit

"Oh, I see Sandy has prepared dinner tonite. looks so yummy!
And it's such a large portion too...I wonder what's for dessert?


Rachel said...

What a wonderful butterfly picture. So pretty!! Tell Cucoo not to bother the butterflies or he'll get his top hairs plucked out! :)

Tim Rice said...

You have such a gift for creativity. Thanks for sharing it with us your blog community. And as Rachel said, tell Cucoo to leave the butterfly alone. ;)

Carole Burant said...

lol your posts about cucoo always bring a smile to my it!!

doubleknot said...

Yummy, I bet the lizard that lives under my washer would like to dine with Cucoo.
Really it comes out and eats and drinks from the cats dish besides I guess catching the stray bug that gets in. It seems to be doing well.

Jellyhead said...

Yes, I'm with everyone else - I really hope Cucoo got too full for butterfly dessert.

The Four Bears in the Woods said...

No.........! Cucoo PLEASE don't eat the butterfly! That Cucoo is something else. I hope he gets satisfied with the main course first.

Nice butterfly picture!

Finn said...

Love it Sandy...LOL, please tell Cuckoo that if he's still hungry I have a couple of Lady bugs waiting for him..*S*

Kerri said...

Is Cucoo related to Big Bird I wonder? They have similar facial features, but he's much thinner :) Perhaps if you give him two bugs next time he won't think the butterfly is so tempting.
Great job with the butterfly pic!!! I haven't had any luck lately. They're too quick.
I like the bug pic too :)