Thursday, June 15, 2006

Under the weather

My hubby has been feeling under the weather for the last few days with chills & fever, congestion, constant coughing and a sore throat. He finally agreed to see his doctor for antibiotics, since matters were only getting worse.

I’m so happy that Jimmy is finally getting cooperative about seeing a doctor and not waiting for two weeks….I think the last episode with an infection scared him a little…maybe even a lot.


Alipurr said...

hope he feels better soon

Carole Burant said...

I do hope the antibiotics will help him recover more quickly...poor man, no fun being sick:-(

TJ said...

I just got over something like that fun...but antibiotics really helped!

Hale McKay said...

Love the cartoon!

Susie said...

Hope he's soon feeling better :-)

HORIZON said...

Your hubsband sounds like mine :). Thank you for leaving a message on my 7's meme post.
I've been having a read at your blog-wonderful and lovely kids too. Bet they keep you busy.
Will definately be popping in again- can l please add you to my links list? Makes it somewhat easier in the morning to visit everyone.

doubleknot said...

Men - they just have to be taken by the nose sometimes to get them to the doctor. Glad he went maybe he will be feeling better soon.

Judypatooote said...

I called my hubby Jimmy too.... and he never wanted to go to the doctors either.....I'm so glad your Jimmy did.....

Kerri said...

I hope your hubby is over the illness by now. Sounds like it was a nasty bug.
What is it about men and doctors? Ross is better than he used to be, but only because he has to have regular checkups with his lung condition.
I have a cold right now and am hoping Ross doesn't catch it. That's always disastrous for him.

Kerri said...

P.S. Love the cartoon. Poor mouse! :)