Monday, September 10, 2007

September Birthday List

September and August for us are months that are filled with many birthdays and anniversaries. I'm not going to list any of the anniversaries although I wish all of you with anniversaries a very happy one and may all of you spend many more years together in wedded bliss.

To everyone who is having a birthday this month, I would like to wish, each and everyone of you, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.


Brandon, 13 years old today
Laura, 33 today
Diane, 63 Sept. 11th
Doug, 24 Sept. 15th
Thalia, 15 Sept. 15th
Me, 63 Sept. 24th
Chum, ?? Sept. 30th?

* I sincerely hope that I didn't miss anyone, and if I did you can let me know in the comments.


Jellyhead said...

Now we know how your family spends the cold month of December... ;-)

I'll be sure to be back for your big day on the 24th Sandy!

Rachel said...

LOL at jellyheads comment!!

Some of them might not appreciate you listing their age!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE AND ALL!!!!!!! And many more.................

Val said...

Boy am I slow - took me ages to figure out what Jelly was alluding to! But then she is a doctor so that kind of calendar mathematics probably is natural for her.

Motherkitty said...

Ha ha, Jellyhead. You are so cute.

Sandy, FYI, Chum's birthday is indeed September 30 and she will celebrate her 86th birthday (according to my genealogical records she was born in 1921 on that date -- I also have her address if you wish to send her a card).

Anyway, happy birthday to everyone on your list, especially to "Me" on the 24th.

Susie said...

Happy Birthday to all the special people on your September list. Today is my hubby's birthday too!

Ava said...

Happy birthday to everyone!!!!!! My son's birthday was Sept. 2nd.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is a list. My mom's is the 15th.

Kerri said...

A very happy birthday to all dear ones on your September birthday list, and especially to the star of the blog herself! I'll try to remember 2 weeks from now that you'll be having a celebration. Well, at least I hope you will!

Yes, Spotted Owls do taste remarkably like chicken :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday wish, "little sis". Like I said, it's always great to celebrate another birthday, given the alternative. Hope yours is a great one too.

Sheila said...

I came by from Pea's Corner to wish you a belated Happy Birthday..!
Hope it was good..!