One of Tori's many birthday gifts was this Strawberry Roan given to her by her husband Matt. Tori hasn't given her 3 year old a name yet, but I call her Strawberry. Isn't she beautiful and she's also very well behaved.

Look at her strut....
Strawberry is full of energy and wants to run and looks so pretty doing it.

Here's a close up of Strawberry in her stall with her pink halter...she's all girl, just like Tori.

This is Matt's little colt. He's a 17 month old Palomino who just had surgery this past week. He was cut and I guess you horse & cattle owners know what that means. I won't explain that here except to say that it sounds a bit like being neutered. That's Matt standing beside his horse while he nibbles on whatever grass he can find.
Matt is my grandson...he's a 20 year old EMT/ firefighter who works for the Richmond Fire Dept and still finds time to work with the Berea Volunteers on his days off. Tori works in Physical Therapy.

Here's a closeup of Matt's horse. His name is Rebel and he's just like a great big puppy dog. He follows you everywhere and pesters the daylights out of you wanting to always be near. He's very gentle, like Strawberry, but he's very nosey about anything you are doing. He has to have his nose right in the middle of everything, even checking out your pockets just to see if you might be hiding a treat in there for him.
I'm proud of my grandchildren and Matt & Tori are no exception. They've accomplished a lot already for their young ages. Matt & Tori have known each other since probably kindergarten and went all the way through school together. They got married very young and will be celebrating their 3rd Wedding Anniversary on Oct. 22nd.
Three years ago, on Tori's birthday, Matt surprised her with an engagement ring and a week later they were married. They say they're not ready for children yet, so Jimmy & I will just have to be satisfied with great-grandpets, like horses, but that's quite alright for now.
Ah...to be young again.
Such a sweet couple...sounds like they know what they enjoy and are sticking too it for now unlike some people that don't use their God Given wisdom but I'll not go off on a rant about one of my children...~sigh~
Anyhow...very pretty horses!
Have a great day!
I can honestly say that "I've NEVER had a birthday present like that before." Pretty Horse. ~ jb///
Beautiful horses! I used to have a strawberry roan named "Shawn". She was a great horse. When she got too old to ride we donated her to the farm so she could give rides to the disabled kids. She is about 30 years old now, and still looks good! I thought I saw your motorcycle the other day, same red, but it had black fenders on the "training wheels". For a moment I thought you were in Florida!!!
Oh, they are beautiful!! Nothing better than having horses!! The first mare I had was a strawberry roam. She was a wonderful animal!!
I see your grandson and his wife are very smart to have horses!! :)
Sure enjoyed your visit today!!!
Such pretty horses. I especially love the top photo, and am noticing that you have a little bit of fall leaf color there.
What a wonderful birthday present! Tori is a lucky girl.
Rebel and Strawberry look like fine, fun horses.
What a wonderful b-day gift Matt gave to Tori.
Happy Anniversary to them!!!! I hope they enjoy many, many years together in good health and with much happiness!!! They seem like a great couple, and you have every reason to be proud.
Great-grandpets are nice, but I just bet you will like great-grandbabies even better.
The good ol' farm life...
i was actually going through the comments that various people left on my blog and realised that i had not been in touch with you...
apparently i have taken up writing again...
please do drop by and give me your feedback and take good care...
and it is amazing to watch your throbbing, thriving family...
May God bestow His blessing upon thee ALWAYS...AMEN.
Makes me think of the Marty Robbins song.
Both those horses are as dear as they can be....And both so very BEAUTIFUL! You must be proug GrandPet Parents! (lol) Love that idea, btw.
Thanks for coming by Sandy....I hear you all hasd a good time visiting with Rachel....It always sounds like you all have a great time together....! What a treat and what a joy!
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