Wednesday, May 12, 2010

upside down

Just like the bedding piled up on the love seat so is the rest of the house. I looked around the house and at our dining room table and all around it and said to Jimmy, "You know, some people live like this with things piled up everywhere. This is the way their house looks all the time."
Jimmy said he'd move out before he'd lived like this and I agreed with him. Thankfully this is only temporary and tomorrow after the carpets are dry and our bed arrives we'll put things back in place but we've decided that not all things are going back to where they were. It's time to downsize and get rid of stuff. I know that I've always said that a house is just a place to store my stuff, but I have too much stuff and it's time to let some of this stuff move on to someone else's house...someone who wants it.

Today has been another warm day with temps at 86 degrees as I type and it's already 6:30 p.m. here. We have some more pretty days ahead and Jimmy has already expressed the desire for a day of riding and I agree with him. Our carpets are clean, we'll put the house back in order and then it'll be time for us to play. I think we deserve it. I hope that you are enjoying these beautiful spring days as we are.

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