Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Hurry up and wait....

Berea Hospital
(back view)
Right now I'm getting ready to go pick up someone to take them to our local hospital for a colonoscopy. They're going to be put to sleep and if I was getting this done myself I'd want to be put to sleep too, or at least mildly unaware of what was going on. They have to be there by 9 a.m. and I suppose if all goes on schedule (haha), the procedure should be started by 10 o'clock and we should be home by noon. Am I expecting too much? We'll see.

Anyway the hospital is in a pretty setting and pretty soon those trees in the picture should be "pretty as a picture" full of Autumn leaves of varying shades of reds, yellows and orange. Can't wait to see that!

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