Sunday, September 29, 2024

I hit a milestone birthday!

 On September 24 I hit a milestone and turned 80 years old.  I sure don't feel 80, but my body does.  I was very disappointed with Rick because I've known him since April of 2015, and he still does not remember my birthday.  I have never forgotten his birthday and for a few years I bought him generously expensive gifts, but this past July I purposely pretended not to acknowledge his birthday and he was a little upset and kept reminding me that it was his birthday.  I gave him a little taste of what it feels like when someone who is special to you doesn't remember your birthday.

You'd think that after 9 years together he'd remember my birthday, but maybe he does but is just too cheap to take me out to eat somewhere special or even send me flowers or get me some trinket.

This year when I didn't hear a peep out of him on my birthday, I just got dressed and left the house and didn't return until dark.  

PS......I did have a very good birthday with my family which started on Saturday and then continued all the way until the day after my birthday with my family.  Saturday we met at Cracker Barrel for brunch, then on my actual birthday I went over to Delores' and spent the day with Suzanne, Ray & Carson and we ate at PapaLeno's, then the next day Ray fixed me a birthday meal which he cooked all by himself.  It was delicious fried chicken, gravy and he even baked some homemade from scratch cookies.  Ray has become a very good cook since his mom had a total knee replacement and she's not able to do the cooking.  All I can say is Ray learned from the BEST, his mom.  

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