Monday, July 11, 2022

Do we need a title here?

I gotta write a quick post because my battery is about to blow on my Macbook, and I'll need to go into another room to connect it to the charger.  I've also decided not to enlarge my font just for this time.

I got a lot of work done this morning.  Oh well, I might as well admit it.......I only did a little work, but I watched Rick do a lot of work.  He had to saw up a big ole fallen branch from my Ash tree and I helped him pick up some of the small branches and put them in the dump wagon.  He did most of the work because I seem to tire easily these days.  I'm not used to doing much work at all.  I should have taken a picture of Rick working, but I didn't this morning because I simply forgot to.  I usually take pictures of him while he is working.

Rick also weedeated my entire yard and it looks good.  It'll even look better once it is mowed.  He would have mowed it this morning but he got over-heated and had to take a cooling off break.  He's taking a nap right now and then he will probably take out my 3 wheeler for a spin down to McDonald's to see his brother Tommy for a little while.  They like to visit and talk brother stuff every day or so.  Sometimes they get on each other's nerves, but most of the time they get along.

Rick has a birthday coming up on July 15th and I think he'll be 61 years old.  My grandson Zac Morris has a birthday today and he will be 35 years old.  How time flies!  I can remember when Suzanne was pregnant with Matthew who is 35 and then shortly thereafter Sharon became pregnant with Zac.  Two sisters having their first children together in the same year 1987.  Yes, time doesn't wait for anyone.

And since time doesn't wait for anyone we should all be good to one another.

 Life is way to short.............

This is me being silly on the 4th of July.........

Have fun everyone.  I'm tired of being so serious and taking life too seriously, not that I really have, but I do let little things bother me at times and I shouldn't.  It's time for me to be silly and act as goofy as I want to.  Who cares anyway?  I'm no longer trying to impress anyone and I certainly am not dressing as if I'm about to be in a beauty contest.  I'm just me, like me or not.

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