The kids have been kayaking for many years now, but for me I'm new to it and this was my 3rd time. The first time that I ever kayaked was at Eastern Kentucky University in a class that I took prior to 1990 with my daughter Suzanne. There we learned how to roll a kayak completely around, but it was in a swimming pool with an instructor looking on and keeping us from drowning.
Then in 2023 Suzanne and Ray asked me if I wanted to go kayaking with them and I agreed to go. It was fun, but getting into and out of the kayak was very difficult for me because of my recent total hip replacement. I let myself down so hard on the kayak that I bruised myself and after that for a while I just fished from the banks of Owsley Fork Lake and any other lake I could easily drive myself to.
Suzanne & Ray use their kayaks to fish out of and to observe nature and the beautiful peaceful surroundings. They see deer, big fish swimming by, green turtles sunning themselves on downed trees and tree limbs, and of course they watch the sun come up in the early misty mornings and the sunset in the evenings. Suzanne & Ray's grandson Carson also goes kayaking with them at times, and so does Matt, Victoria and her boys. Kayaking is a family affair.
My other daughter Sharon, kayaks with her children & grandchildren, among other activities. She has so many outdoors interests and you just never know what Sharon is doing from week to week. Sharon may be on her Razor 4wheeling, her dirt bike, kayak, boating or camping primitively somewhere out in the woods, or on her motorcycle riding around the countryside or to another state all by herself. There isn't anything out-doorsey that Sharon can't do. I failed to name cycling 60 miles before breakfast on her mountain bike, mountain climbing or running in a marathon. Sharon and her kids can do about anything they can afford and put their mind to doing.
I've been pretty much a couch potato since Jimmy died, but then Rick came along and we fished and boated for a little while, but his job got in the way and we stopped going anywhere until Suzanne got me interested in fishing again this year. Below are some pictures of last weekend when both Suzanne & Sharon got together and we all went kayaking, even me.......
We got on the lake very early.
Suzanne & Ray arrived there at around 5:00 a.m., I got there around 5:30 a.m. and Sharon & Zac arrived around 5:45 a.m.We immediately launched our kayaks when Sharon & Zac arrived and started on our journey. Everyone except Sharon & I fished. I didn't fish because it was all that I could do was to paddle myself around. Zac, Suzanne & Ray fished, but mostly we observed our beautiful surroundings and visited a lot. Suzanne spotted a 5 foot long carp and we all got to see it as it fed around the banks of the lake. It looked like a shark with half of its tail fin out of the water. No one wanted to cast near that fish because we all knew that it was way too big and would easily turn a kayak over. I'll try to put the video of the large carp up on a later post once I figure out how to do it.
I'll attach 5 more pictures of us kayaking in the next post. And also, if you look closely at the last picture you will see a towrope going from Zac's kayak to mine. We were on the lake around 5 or 6 hours with two very brief stops, so the last hour Suzanne suggested that I get towed for the trip back to the docking area. Sharon volunteered to tow me and then Zac took over. In the picture above, Zac is towing my kayak. Getting towed is great and allowed me to take pictures, but only pictures of everyone's backs. I was extremely sore the next day, but an Aleve helped with the soreness for a day or two. My kids and grandkids are so considerate and thoughtful. I love my family so much! Even the ones who weren't with us. I have a great family!!!
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