Sunday, February 19, 2006

Blogger Buddies

I was searching thru pictures this morning and ran across this old poloroid picture of two of my "blogger buddies."
L-R...Kitten Yarn & Tomas. Also in the picture is Eli.


Motherkitty said...

Oh, my. Did you have to wipe away the cobwebs from this picture? They are cute, aren't they, in a 70s sort of way?

Were we ever that young? What happened?

somershade said...

I remember when they looked like this.And their still cuties. said...

That is a great photo.

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

Yes, It's a great photo, but too bad it was one of those Polaroid shots. They always were a little fuzzy...but you could, see your picture in about a minute.

Unknown said...

a really cute picture...a beautiful moment captured for eternity...thanks for your appreciation...prayer does give you mental and spiritual stability and you undertake decisions which are benefitial to you in the long run...take care and do stay in touch...i will do the same...

Alipurr said...

oh, i love this picture of us!!!! so cute! I stole that shirt from my dad when i was in college, and gave it back after college.....

Motherkitty said...

You've heard of the expression, "What hath God wrought?" Well, what have you wrought with this "ancient" picture? You should see Alipurr's latest post.