Thursday, February 23, 2006

Pirates of the Carrotbean

Cucoo's performance is one of the BEST EVER as Captain Jack Sparrow's, side kick. Even under his tangle of purple hair, Cucoo will make you swoon and laugh both at the same time...with his witty lines.

Cucoo is being nominated for 5 Oscars and attended the Oscar Luncheon and received his Official Oscar Nominee Sweatshirt.


Hunter said...

I'm a little slow. I had to read your archives to figure out that Cucoo was last being gnawed on by your gorgeous orange furry one.

I bet I had a funny look on my face. :)


Motherkitty said...

I want to know where Cucoo got his cool shades.

I just knew that he would get that Oscar nod. My fingers are crossed that he wins, otherwise he will have to return to his day job. I'm trying to decide who's cutest -- Cucoo or Johnny Depp.

somershade said...

Megan loves that movie and we can't wait to see Cucoo in his cute little EYE PATCH :) We love him and pray he always stays with us.

Finn said...

my my such a dashing pirate..*VBS* I'm all a flutter...LOL..haven't seen the movie as yet, but will rush right out and rent it..a must see with this elegant new addition.