Today we would have all gotten together to celebrate your birthday…But since you aren’t here, I want to thank you for the one gift that you left me…My older brother Tomas.
From the time that you disappeared, when I was 10 months old, Tomas and I were separated and lived in foster homes. It was not until I was 8 years old that I was reunited with my brother, Tomas and, at the same time blessed by a baby brother, Gilbert.
Mother, I’ve had a good life. I’ve also been very blessed with having numerous step-brothers, a step-sister and another half sister, Susan.
You have many grandchildren and great grandchildren, and although I have never seen your face, (that I can remember), I see your image in all the faces of my family…as we do have quite a strong family resemblance to each other.
Whatever happened, know that I think about you always and have missed having you in my life.
Love always,
Your daughter, Sandy
When I first saw the picture I wondered why it was so dim, kind of like looking at it through a veil. Now I understand.
Very beautifully written, Sandy. I started to post something, but thought it might be too painful a reminder for husband and you. I'm glad you did write, though.
Where did you get the picture from? I have never seen it before. And, I don't think husband has either. Please let me know if we can get a copy.
Writing about something like this seems to help a little because people can share your emotions. But, you, Tomas, and I (and all the rest of the family) know that this will always be an open book as far as we are concerned with many unanswered questions. All we can do is think of the love she had for you and Tomas by leaving you with someone who loved and cared for you.
Motherkitty...it is NOT a picture of my mother.
I faded out a picture of me at about the age that my mother would have been, when she went missing.
I know that someone must have pictures of her somewhere, but I guess they just don't realize how important it is for us to see them.
Thank you for your kind words MK and I probably should have included her name in my post...just in case someone knew her.
It's a funny thing Early this morning as I was doing some writting in my personal journal it was about my grand mother,(your mom)And being with out a mommy. And how much pain it causes people.As I was crying God said think on good thoughts. But I share this because as mother and daughter we have a unique bond that is unexplainable and so must your mom and you, no matter what. That's a good thought. I love you, mom
This is so sweet. Comes to show how strong that mother-child bond is.
And as a newcomer to your blog, I've just figured out how everyone is connected. You're a family of bloggers, which is so neat!
I hope you can get some photos of your mother somewhere. Maybe some distant relatives have some photos. Very touching post. There is always a void when we miss our parents. I am lucky that my mother is still around, 87 years old.
this brought tears to my eyes, as i have always been sad for my dad, and sad for me and my brother, not knowing or seeing our grandmother. I will always miss her. I didn't know today was her birthday, but I am glad to be reminded of her
I just had to take my glasses off because I am crying - your post is so beautiful.
I have a missing parent also - my father - after trying to find him for years I have given up. I had a good stepfather and wonderful half sisters and brother and step sisters and step brother.
Life takes us were we need to be if we listen to the lessons - you all seem to be a loving family.
Happy Birthday to your Mom where ever she is.
This brought tears to my eyes too.
Very touching post.
Sending loving thoughts your way. I understand.
Dear, dear Sandy, even when it's completely illogical, the heart wants what the heart wants. Reasoning with what your heart wants is pointless..it will still want what it wants. I know that sounds like double talk, but it isn't. We yearn after that which is absent to us...our true heart's desire.
Please know that if I could I'd grant your hearts desire in an instant...*VBS*
I read somewhere that the saddest moment is in realizing the lose of what could have been. I know that is probably true for you and Thomas, and one more sibling?
A part is always missing, the circle remains incomplete. You have done a wonderful job with the family you raised, and are a true blessing as a sister, mom, grandma and friend. BIg hugs today dear heart, Finn
that was beautiful and it ministered to me.That's what I relized this morning.No matter how you ponder things,the heart wants and yearns for a mother's love.
There is little to say about this post, except... LOVE! Thanks! Very nice tribute to her! ~ jb///
That was both beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. I'm sure your mother would be so proud of her family. It makes me appreciate my own family all the more. Thank you.
And thankyou also for the comments you left on my, and my mum's blogs. You had me beaming :)
The picture I posted was the best the phone has taken. All the other close-up pictures are incredibly grainy and just yuck. I guess I'll keep it for emergency photographs - though I hope that they're only good emergencies...
That was a moving post Sandy.
I really appreciated all the supportive comments that everyone had for my brother & I...We were deeply touched and want to thank everyone.
Hi Sandy ~~ A lovely post and tribute to
your mother. I hope one day you will find her, or at least a photo.
Thanks for dropping in at Herons Nest.
Glad you enjoyed the jokes. Cheers, Merle.
Sandy, this is a beautiful post. I know your mom would be so proud of you if she could know you. You've grown into a sensitive, caring, intelligent person in spite of difficult circumstances in childhood. Good for you! I know your family and friends appreciate you for the wonderful person you are. Nice touch with the photo :)
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