Monday, July 31, 2006

One Word Meme

I found this meme over at Pieces of my Scrapbag. I wasn’t tagged by Finn…I just decided to horn in there and do it for fun…it looked easy, so here goes nothing. Remember…You can only use ONE word answers.

One Word for
1. Yourself: Quiet
2. Your partner: Funny
3. Your hair: straight
4. Your mother: GONE
5. Your father: lady-killer
6. Your favorite item: computer
7. Your dream last night: romantic
8. Your favorite drink: lemonade
9. Your dream home: SOLD
10. The room you are in: computer
11. Your pleasure: motorcycling
12. Your fear: SPIDERS
13. Where you want to be in ten years? Vacationing
14. Who you hung out with last night: Jimmy
15. What you’re not: employed
16. Your best friends: children
17. One of your wish list items: healthy
18. Your gender: suspicious
19. The last thing you did: ate
20. What you are wearing: shorts
21. Your favorite weather: balmy
22. Your favorite book: Bible
23. Last thing you ate? Fettuccini
24. Your life: wonderful
25. Your mood: great
26. The last person you talked to on the phone: AddieMae
27. Who are you thinking about right now? Jimmy
28. What group of people are the best? BLOGGERS
29. Your favorite purple haired bird: Cucoo
30. Who will you tag: volunteers

This has nothing to do with the meme above…It was a statement that I heard my son-in-law, Ray, say to Jimmy one day. I just thought it was funny and wanted to share it. Jimmy was washing dishes or doing the laundry or something of that sort when Ray walked up to him and said,
“Jimmy, I wouldn’t call you henpecked or anything, but you sure do have some hen-house ways.”

In the One Word meme I have to admit that I had a difficult time coming up with one word to describe Jimmy (question #2). Jimmy is my right hand and is one of the most caring people I’ve ever met. There isn’t anything that he wouldn’t do for anybody. He’s loveable and a very touchy, huggable kind of person. He never meets a stranger no matter where we go. I feel like the luckiest person in the world to be married to him. We have been retired for the last 12 years and have spent almost 24/7 together and not a single argument...(he won’t argue with me). *VBG* And did I mention that he’s a great storyteller and very funny? I told him that he needs to start his own blog and tell some of his tales of growing up…but he’s content just listening to me rattle on about who did what on the blogs. Occasionally he pulls up a chair and reads blogs over my shoulder.

I think I just got carried away with my true answer to #2…I hope that I didn’t bore you too much. It must have been that dream I had of him last night (#7).


Merle said...

Hi Sandy ~~ I loved the story of the two angels. Also liked your one word meme. I am so glad that you are Jimmy are so happy, that is wonderful for you
both and also your family. Great example
Thanks for your comments. Have a wonderful week, Take care, Merle.

Carole Burant said...

Good morning Sandy:-) Loved your one word meme...might give it a try one of these days! lol There are so many fun ones around!! I love hearing how well you and Jimmy get hang on real tight to him, he sounds like a gem:-) Loved what Ray!! Have a wonderful day:-)

LZ Blogger said...

Sandy ~ Looks like Jimmy gets lots of KUDOS here (with this post). Nice that you consider your children as your best friends too! ~ jb///

Rachel said...

Loved the story of the 2 angels. Very nice. I had never heard that before.

You are lucky to have Jimmy. He seems like such a sweetie!! They are hard to find.

I will get to my meme hopefully today!!! :)

McIrish Annie said...

your jimmy sounds like my bob... we are lucky.

i read your post on rose of sharon. They are my nemesis. my neighbors have a row of them along the shared boundary line and i must have at least a million little ones routing in my lawn. plus the dead flowers or as we call them rosie poop makes a real mess. HATE EM!!!

Susie said...

This was so sweet. I cherish my Hub in so many of these same ways. My life would have been so different without him and I'm sure you feel exactly that way too!
I'll let you know if I decide to do this one...

Finn said...

Oh Sandy, your me-mes are wonderful..just like YOU!!!! And please don't EVER feel that you are horning in. I'm not sure if it's a "tagging meme" or not. No one tagged me, I just saw it over at Linda J's and cut and pasted it, and filled in my answers..*VBS*
Yours are such fun, and it makes me smile with my heart that you have such a wonderful guy as Jimmy in your life. You know you totally DESERVE the best!!!!
I sent years thinking "there are no good men in the world" in response to someone telling me what I needed was "a good man"..and I quipped right back, "there are no good men in the world". But I'm happy to stand corrected. He sounds terrific and I'm so glad he's with you, or your with him, however it goes...LOL
If I was there, I'd give you BOTH a big hug for being such great people!!! Hugs, Finn who keeps glancing down at those two strange feathered creatures below the comment section...LOL

Unknown said...

Oh the meme sounds like fun! I'll have to do it myself also.

It's been ages since I've visited you and as always tho, a pleasure when I do.

Happy day to you.

TJ said...

this would be a hard one for me to do!

The Four Bears in the Woods said...

I liked your answers to the meme and I liked the meme... I might even try it sometime.

I just thought that was so sweet what you said about Jimmy. It is so true too... He is kind and will help anyone who needs his help and NEVER meets a stranger. *VBS* You said you were lucky to have him but he is also lucky to have you because you are just as sweet as him. You two deserve each other! *VBS* (That was meant in a good way) *VBG* You two make the perfect couple.

And we (the4bears) are lucky to have you two in our lives.

Mama Bear

madameplushbottom said...

Awwww - that is so darn cute. It's good to have a "jimmy" in your life. He looks real sweet and it sounds like you are blessed to have each other!

Van Cong Tu said...

Very interesting post . Love it. I added you in my blog, Is that Ok

doubleknot said...

How wonderful to have someone who is like Jimmy. I liked your meme. The picture of Cucoo's two cousins look like angels.

wazza said...

Gidday Sandy, yep I really liked Dorothy
and haven't heard anything of her for a long time, and there's not much new out there on her. I was thinking about a new post and decided to share my ole' feelings about her with fellow bloggers.
Thanks for your comments.

Ava said...

Great list and I love the traveling angels story below!!!

Tim Rice said...

Your meme is interesting. I printed it out in case I choose to do it sometime

Most of all, I love how you describe your relationship with Jimmy. You are blessed.

Val said...

Actually, this meme looks quite hard because of the one-word thing. And what are the rest of us supposed to answer to #29?!?

It was fun reading your answers.

Anonymous said...

The two of you have something absolutely priceless!!

R.Powers said...

Such a happy post!
Good for both of you.

somershade said...

That's funny,Hen pecked ways,Jimmy is very good for you,God sent!

Kerri said...

Bore me, never! I loved what you wrote about Jimmy. He sounds wonderful. You are perfect for each other, obviously :)
Loved reading your meme too. You have a very positive outlook on life. Good, healthy way to be. Happy biking! Hope your weather cools off. That's way too hot. We had it for a couple of days (and it was awful!) but today was perfect!