Tuesday, November 28, 2006


This morning I was going to email walkin2e and ask him if I could publish his lovely comment, which he left in my post yesterday. The comment was in the form of a wonderful poem he had written called Pearl Harbor Day. I went straight to his December archives and began looking and there it was. Please go over to his site and read this wonderful poem.


Anonymous said...

Loved his poem!

Susie said...

Hi Sandy,
Thanks so much for the link! I went and read the poem. As I think I've told you my Grandpa (98 years old) is a Pearl Harbor Survivor. He often tells the story of the long ago day...

LZ Blogger said...

Sandy - That was very moving! I remember one time when we were in Oahu, we went to Pearl Harbor and went on a boat to the Arizona Memorial. It was a very emotional expierence for me. Thanks for this! ~ jb///

Anonymous said...

I will go and check out the poem and thanks for the information. I have been to Pearl Harbor and it will mean a lot.

Rachel said...

Great poem he wrote!! Thanks for the link Sandy!

Pear tree cottage! said...

Sandy hi!

The poem dedicated to the soldiers is just so nice and I will take a look at the other one very soon. I just wanted to say I have not been around for a long time and I could not go without mentioning your lovely tribute to your solemate and hubby on his birthday it was so nice to read and I loved the pictures. You must be a lovely couple content and happy! :o)

see youa gain Lee-ann

Jellyhead said...

You're right - it is a beautiful poem!

Anonymous said...

That was a wonderful poem. Our soldiers are heavy on my mind right now.