As I walk the beauty surrounds me
It envelops me like a warm blanket.
I feel the warmth of the colors
And breathe in the cool, crisp air.
I could never ask for a more perfect day
With leaves rustling beneath my feet
And the sounds of gravel below.
This is the way to grandmother’s house,
Take a left at the end of the lane
Cross over the hill to your right,
And you will find her dwelling there
Nestled beyond the pond
Among the mighty oaks.
An not too far from the edge of the road,
You’ll spot her hand carved sign
The sign that says you’ve reached
Her beloved “Shady Oaks.”
Fall reminds me of going to grandmother’s house for Thanksgiving Dinner so many years ago. Soon after moving to the South, I discovered the beauty of the seasons. It started with the glorious colors of fall, soon followed by wintry scenes of snow. I remember my first sightings of a snowflake well…it’s something I’ll never forget, just as I’ll never forget those Thanksgiving Dinners at grandmother’s house.
Yesterday, while in Cynthiana, I found myself parked in the same parking lot where I first saw my very first snow flake. The memories of so long ago came flooding back to me when I realized where I was. It was in the fall of 1962, I was 18 then and had been in the grocery store shopping. When I strolled out of the store, with a full buggy cart of groceries, there they were…the BIGGEST snowflakes falling from the sky. Up to that point in my life I had only read or seen snowflakes in movies. Not thinking, I quickly abandoned my grocery cart right outside the doors, and went running through the parking lot catching snowflakes in my hands and watching them quickly melt away. I was mesmerized by the falling snow never once thinking of what I might have looked like to passerby’s…probably like some crazy person! Jim called to me finally and broke the spell after a few minutes of explaining to the people coming out of the store that I was from sunny
This morning
Hi Sandy! Great poem and picture. A good time of year for revisiting memories. Stay warm!
I enjoyed this post very much-and the picture is just beautiful.
what nice memories!
shady oaks is beautiful
Such a lovely poem to go with the beautiful picture Sandy...and wonderful memories.
I took a photo very similar to that one quite a few weeks ago. I love paths....they make me want to follow them.
Too bad you just missed the snow in Cynthiana. We have some on the ground here today...and it feels like winter. Brrr!
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