Saturday, December 19, 2009

I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas / Bing Crosby

Last night I stood out on my back steps and watched the snow as it was coming down. The snowflakes were HUGE, some of the BIGGEST I've seen in a was beautiful.

By this morning we had about 3 inches of snow that is quickly melting with our warm temps of 47 degrees. It's nothing but slush out there right now. The snow fell straight down, there wasn't any wind to cause any snowdrifts...I think snowdrifts give snow character. I love blowing snow, but I'm thankful that it didn't blow this time because of the light shades that we lined our front porch with to keep the snow off of the cats warm spot. The bamboo shades are no match for blowing wind and we haven't quite figured out what to do to keep the shades from blowing around other than taking them down when it's windy. We really don't want to build a frame because if we do that we might as well enclose the porch and sometimes I think that might not be such a bad idea. Then the cats would have a nice cozy place to get out of the rain & snow.

This is the first year that the cats have remained on the front porch when the weather is cold. They usually find warm places out of the weather under our buildings even though I always lined a chair & the porch swing with pillows covered by warm afghans. They would lay there in the daytime, but when the cold bitter nighttime air came they'd disappear off to their warm spots wherever that might be. They would leave because the blowing snow would blow in on top of them.
This year I tried something different. Under the afghans I put an electric warming throw and they now remain there all night long. Their spots are toasty warm and the outdoor cats all pile up on top of each other now fighting for a spot on the warm blanket. I was never able to get these cats to lay together for warmth, and now I can't get them apart.

Today is a good day to make Christmas cookies, bake banana nut bread and perhaps even make the chocolate and peanut-butter fudge for Christmas. I already baked some of Reva's favorite cookies last night and I'll be baking more because Jimmy got into them...bad boy, but he loves them too and that's why it's so much fun baking them. Petey , our kitten, even managed to steal one of the cookies off of Jimmy's plate, and he's a bad boy too.

Speaking of bad boys...
Petey is getting into EVERYTHING. He's found the refrigerator magnets and no matter how high you put them, he works until he gets them down. He's the jumping-est cat we've ever had and he loves to steal your socks during the night. Gotta go....I hear the magnets hitting the floor and if I don't get there quick he takes them and hides them never to be seen again.

2 comments: said...

The wet bamboo will freeze and if not to heavy and fall will do well to stop the cold wind.
The heater is a bad idea because if the cats get wet because of any moisture that is bad.

Kerri said...

I know all about disappearing magnets off the fridge. But our 3 "old" girls (I think they're around 3 years old) are much too sophisticated (read lazy) for that these days :)
The storm passed us by. We had just a light snowfall this morning and that was all. Glad you got to enjoy the beauty without the power outages that harder hit places are suffering through. What a time to be without power! I hope they get it back in time to do their Christmas baking.
You're a good kitty mommy :)