Sunday, November 24, 2013

Jibber Jabber

It's Sunday night and all is well as we watch Christmas movies non stop, and have been watching them all day from the first moment that I opened my eyes this morning until now.  Last night I fell asleep watching a Christmas movie and when I woke up this morning the same movie was on and right at the precise place as when I fell asleep.  That was pretty amazing, so Jimmy brought me coffee in bed so that I could finish watching the movie while he watched the morning news in the living room.

I think I must be all caught up with the Christmas movies because they are already beginning to repeat themselves, and my Christmas mood is already beginning to wane.  My Christmas shopping is done and now all I have to do is wrap, wrap, wrap.  I used to enjoy wrapping gifts, but now I just enjoy giving the presents away just about the moment they come in.  I've been ordering online and taking advantage of the FREE SHIPPING and early Black Friday Sales and have not had to fight any crowds at the stores.  I love hearing that knock on the door from that FedEx, UPS or Mail Carrier announcing the delivery of a package for me.  I get excited opening the gifts even though I have a very good idea of what they might be.  None of them are for me, but it's still fun and exciting.

Don't worry, I'll get that Christmas spirit back once December arrives and I start listening to some of my favorite Christmas music.  This is,  and will remain,  my favorite holiday even though it will be different this year.  As Great-Grandparents Jimmy and I are entering a New Phase in our lives, stepping aside as grandparents and letting the new and younger grandparents take their places.  It's exciting and sad at the same time, knowing that I am now one of the of those that has passed over the hump of life and is sliding towards home plate fast, feet first to slow down the progression.  Life is fun, and it's like a game I never get tired of.  Enjoy it! and make it count.