Monday, February 09, 2015

My bike is calling to me, "Ride Me, Ride Me!"

The weekend weather was beautiful here and on Saturday I saw countless motorcycles out enjoying the day. I started up my bike and let it run for a good while. It sounded so inviting and if there would have been someone here with me, I would have invited them to join me for a ride. Of course, as a passenger behind me :)

I may have lost Jimmy, but I haven't lost that yearning to ride and to feel the wind in my face. It was something that we both enjoyed doing together, but now instead of him being by my side keeping me safe as he always did, Jimmy will be tucked safely away in my heart forever.

1 comment:

TomasMuse2021 said...

You have some nice folks in town that will ride with you. I think you and Jimmy belonged to a bike club there in town. That would work nice if Brian cannot ride with you.
Does Branden Ride?