Friday, May 17, 2019 week in review

I can't believe that I stayed away from here for so long.  I just didn't realize that I hadn't posted anything here since Easter.  WOW!  How time flies, and the older you get the faster it flies by.

I can't say that I haven't enjoyed every day, because I have.  Rick and I keep busy.  We always have something to do.  When you own your own homes there are always repairs to be done and this time of year, there is also all the mowing.......lots and lots of mowing.  We mow 3 days a week every week and that keeps us very busy.  The weed eating on 3 places is another thing, and I'm almost too old to weed eat anymore.  Just bending over picking all the sticks and twigs up before we mow kills my back.  It's not heavy work, it's just the repetitive motion of bending and straightening up, which doesn't hurt the day I do it, but the following day I am in pain.  I guess this is just part of growing old.  I still try to weed eat some, but not as much as I did last year.

We worked Monday thru Thursday, daylight until dark this past week.  Rick did most of the work, and I was just the "go get this for me" person, since some of his work was from the top of a ladder.  We each have riding mowers, so we both mowed getting the lawns mowed in half the time, but when I was the "go get this & that person," I had lots of time to take pictures which I'll share below.

I was around this red throated lizard so much that after the second day it didn't even bother scampering off to hide when I approached him.

 This stripped second lizard below was never friendly, but because it was always seeking the attention of the first lizard, I was able to get a picture of it.  I assumed that this second lizard was a female because the two ended up mating with each other one afternoon.
These next few pictures are of flowers I found wherever we were.

This piece of wood I found where I found the lizards.
This next picture is of one of Rick's storage buildings in the forest.  It's just like the building I have where I live.
The next two pictures are of two of the places that we mow.  The third place that we mow we use a push mower and that's where I found the lizards.

The last picture is of Rick working from a ladder on a roof.  I liked the sillouette with the sky in the background. 
I took lots of other pictures too numerous to share of trees, bark, leaves, wildflowers, and if it moved I videoed it.  

OH!!!! I almost forgot about the redbud trees that I planted a couple of years ago.  Rick & I each got a tiny sapling from our electric company for Arbor Day, and I planted one in his yard and one in my yard.  This picture of the redbud tree and me was taken in his yard.  This tree has gotten about 3-4 feet taller than me, the same as my tree at home has grown.

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