Monday, August 17, 2020


 It's a beautiful sunny day and a cool morning at that.  Yesterday I had to pick up large branches and sticks from my yard before I could even think of mowing my grass.  I have one of those grabber things so that I don't have to bend over, but it doesn't work well with smaller branches, so I had to bend down a lot.  Also there were some very large branches that I had to drag to the back of my yard and stack on a pile of old branches.  I had to make two separate trips with the large branches that had fallen from my near dead Ash Tree.  The Emerald Ashbore Beetles are killing my Ash Tree, so I have several large dead branches that drop when the wind blows.  

All the bending over took a toll on my back, but I didn't notice it until I tried to get off of my riding mower yesterday to move another large branch that I had missed.  At that point I knew that I would be laid up for a couple of days with my aching back.  It's tough getting old.  You just can't do what you used to take for granted and do it easily and pain free.  There are consequences now, for every action there is a reaction and not a pleasant one either.

So Rick has gone to work without me this morning.....and maybe even tomorrow morning.  I just don't feel like my back will be ready to work tomorrow.  I'm hoping that the new house won't be ready to sweep out and clean up until Wednesday.  Today Rick had to do a little weed-eating for one of the bosses.  That's something that I don't want to get into, but I was going to water the shrubbery, rose bushes and plants while he was weed-eating.  The seeded lawn in this particular house looks dead too, so sprinklers might be a good idea to put out today.  But I really do think that this yard will have to be re-seeded.  The hot July sun took a toll on this yard.

On another note....We thought something major was happening to my car (picture above) because we kept hearing a scraping noise each time we turned the wheels, but if you look closely between the tire and tire-well you can see the culprit.  A large piece of broken tree branch had gotten lodged in the wheel-well.  What a relief to find out that all we had to do was to pull that branch out and the car would be fine.   I was already seeing dollar signs in my head for an expensive repair.  I'm glad that we found the problem before I made a fool of myself and took it in to the dealer for repairs.

Also, here are pictures that I got yesterday of one of my daughters, granddaughter and great-granddaughter.

I also have a picture of Megan and Lyv with their masks, but I'll have to send it in from my cell phone in the next post.


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