Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Springing back to Winter Weather again

I'm sure that this cold snap is going to be brief only because March is just a day or two away.  The Winter months always look hopeful once March approaches and Spring is right behind.

My Maple tree is already budding and some of my plants have broken through the ground.  The Buttercups are just about to bust out and bloom any day now.  I've seen other Buttercups already blooming  around town, so to me, this marks the beginnings of Spring.

 The tomcats have been here for a couple of months now making their rounds, looking for that perfect mate.  Of course, my Squeaker is very pretty, but she's fixed but they still chase her around.  She hides, but gets caught at times by the looks of her ruffled up fur.

I'm finding myself in a much better mood now knowing the warm weather is just right around the corner here to stay for a few months anyway.  Even on the dreary days I have something to look forward to now.

Even tho today has turned cold again, and it will be below freezing again tonight, I'm still hopeful and I'm not letting this little cold snap get me down, because I know that it's just a temporary little setback.

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