Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Feeling Green

Now I know why they say, take your pills on an empty stomach. I got up early this morning, two hours later ate breakfast and then remembered that I hadn't taken my pills and took them. Oops...that was a mistake I'm sure to remember.

Now my queezy self is off to vote. See ya later.


Susan Tidwell said...

The title made me think you were going to post about the environment and recycling... I guess you wish it was that instead of the real green issue at your house. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Carole Burant said...

Yikes, did Jimmy make you angry and now you're turning into the Hulk?? hehe Oh dear, I do hope you feel better soon. I'm back from my trip and trying to catch up with everyones news. Love that picture of Megan, she certainly is a natural beauty...you have every right to be so proud of your granddaughter:-) xox

Susie said...

I thought perhaps you were envious of something. As my Grandma used to say when she felt a bit sick "I'm a little green around the gills" Hadn't thought of that in a long time!!

Rachel said...

My goodness Sandy, that is really green!! Even your glasses! :) I have heard of green with envy but this is ridiculous!! Hope you got to feeling better after you voted.

Peter said...

Hi Kermit, its not easy bein' green.

Jamie Dawn said...

WOW! You really ARE green!!!!
Feeling naseous is hitonious!
I bet you won't do THAT again.
Actually, I think you look kind of cute all green like that. Green must be your color. :-)

tomlaureld@yahoo.com said...

Allison has been feeling a little green around the gills lately. She said she felt better yesterday. You look a little green in the photo.