Sunday, April 11, 2010

Today was pretty

Jimmy & I went riding today and we couldn't of asked for a more perfect day. The temp was around 76 degrees and as you can see from the first picture, there isn't a cloud in the sky. Those are redbud trees & the white one is a dogwood tree. This may not be the prettiest picture of redbuds & dogwoods blooming but there was a parking lot where I could park my bike long enough to snap the picture. Some of the prettiest trees were in places that had no place to pull off.

Although this is my phlox in bloom, we passed many beautiful plantings of multicolored phlox growing on rocks everywhere.

This is my old house just up the road from where I live now. The people that bought our house painted it blue. It used to be white when we owned it.

This is where I live and that's my jeep in the driveway. I was getting ready to turn into our driveway when I noticed off in the distance there were a few wispy clouds in the sky. You also can't imagine how nice it is to see new leaves on the trees. They're just beginning to come out and it won't be long now until all the trees and bushes are covered with leaves, we'll have some shade then too.

I hope everyone spent an enjoyable day outside today. It was just too pretty to stay inside. Jimmy and I spent the day riding our bikes and just enjoying being alive on such a beautiful day. And for those that are interested, I wore my helmet.

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