Saturday, September 04, 2010

Ron, Jr's Visit

Today it's quiet here with only Jimmy, me and the cats left here at home.  Everyone else is gone, even the dogs.  Ron, Jr. is on his way to the airport and soon he will be safely back to his California home where his wife is anxiously waiting for him.  It's always nice seeing him because he's a very easy person to talk to and very pleasant and fun to be around.    
Ron, Sr., Ron, Jr., & Jimmy
Ron, Jr. came here to visit his dad, but first he stopped in Illinois for a week to visit his own son, daughter-in-law and his granddaughter.  Ron then went up to Illinois and spent a few days up there himself and picked up his son, Ron,Jr. and brought him back here to Berea to visit us.  We didn't get to spend much time with him but the time we spent with him was very nice.

Sandy, Ron,Jr., & Jimmy

Ron, Sr., Ron, Jr. & Jimmy
(Jybow the cat is stretched out in front of them)

Ron,Jr. & Jimmy
Relaxing in the yard
Ron, Jr.
On one of the days Ron,Jr. was here I called my friend Gloria Miracle-Guinn and asked her if we could come fish in her pond.  Ron and his dad fished, while I visited with Gloria and Jimmy went to Walmart to buy a new battery for my car.  They caught several bass and released them back into the pond.  Twice a much larger fish than the one in the picture above broke Ron,Jr.'s line and swam away with his lures.  I can't wait to go back to Gloria's pond to try my luck at catching that big one that got away.  Gloria and I have been very good friends for many years and I thank her very much for letting us fish in her pond.  She's a real sweetie and I hope to be spending more time with Gloria.

Now that September is here the nights and mornings are beginning to cool.  When Ron left this morning it was 55 f. degrees and it's beginning to warm up now.  We're going to have a beautiful holiday weekend perfect for us to do some riding.  I like riding when it's not so hot and Jimmy likes to ride when it's scorching hot...but I think the weather is going to favor me now that September is here.  September has always favored me, every since the day I was born :)


1 comment: said...

Was the big one a big cat or a big bass.
Nice photos sis,
love ya