Wednesday, January 01, 2020

2020 Started out without me

I spent New Year's Eve divided by walls between Rick and I.  We watched TV alone and brought in the new year alone, even tho we were in the same house together.  We didn't talk all day yesterday because I questioned him on turning up the heat at his house to protect canned food, but not turning up the heat to protect all the batteries in my building.  I should have just kept my mouth shut and let him do whatever he wanted to do at his house.  It really is no concern, or should be of any concern to me.  That was my first mistake.  My second mistake was to tell Rick that I would be spending time visiting my son while he was at McDonald's visiting his friends yesterday.  I saw that to be a good thing for me to do since I hadn't hung out with my son for a while.  As a result of voicing that to Rick, he didn't go anywhere, he didn't leave the house all day long because he knew that I wouldn't go up there unless he was he didn't leave, but instead chose to stay home and not talk to me for the rest of the day.

All in all, it didn't turn out so bad.  Rick is still here and today is another day.  He will eventually leave to go hang out with his friends at McDonald's and I will eventually get to hang out a little with my son.  My son needs guidance at the moment.  I thought he was doing good, but then I got a text from his wife late last night that told me some awful things about him which have led me to wonder how he is spending his days.  I don't know whether to say anything to him about what his estranged wife has said to me, or just to treat him as normally as I possibly can and let him deal with his own inner demons.  

I think I have made up my mind not to pass on anything that was said in her text.  It was only meant to hurt, and things like that should just stop with me and not go on any further.  Rick did see the text, and he has a big mouth and will spread these tales, whether true or not, to his brother who just can't keep his mouth shut.  That is my only regret.....that Rick tells his brother everything that goes on in this house and it gets spread all over town.  Those two are the worst gossips in town, and if there is no news they will make some up.  They think it's funny to talk about people, but I think it's a cruel and nasty disease.  I just had a thought.....what I'm doing here on this blog is also akin to gossip with only my side of the story being told.  I need to stop.

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