Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Preparing for that time in life when you start getting forgetful

It's been a while since I was here.  What's new in my life?  Nothing but a new debit card which caused me to call several billing agencies to give them my new numbers.  Some suggested I go with a bank draft, so I did.  That way I never have to call them again with new card numbers.

Since I've gotten much older I've chosen to have my bills sent directly to my bank for collection so that I don't do something foolish, like forget to pay one of my bills.  I haven't gotten that forgetful yet, but when you get my age you just never know when that might just happen to you, so I wanted to be prepared, and I don't know why I didn't do that much earlier in life because it is so nice not having to worry about paying bills.  It's almost like not having any bills, but today as I called each place it reminded me once again of just how many bills I do have.

Well enough about bills.  Some good news is that Brandon & Krystal's baby is growing right on schedule and Brandon sent me some new ultrasound images of our baby boy.  Brandon has so many plans for his son after he is born.  He is going to take him places and show him all the love that his parents and family showed him.  Brandon will make a great daddy and I'm sure Krystal will be a great mommy too.  The baby's arrival in June 2023 will be here quicker than we think and we're all very excited to meet our new baby boy.

Sharon surprised me last night when she messaged me to look on my front porch for a surprise.  It was dark and since I don't get email message alarms to show me when a new email arrives I didn't see the email notice that I was getting a package from my sweet daughter  Sharon, along with her sweet message.   My surprise was a heart shaped box of chocolates for Valentine's Day.  I hadn't even thought about Valentine's Day.  I just had to sample one and so did Rick and the chocolates were really good, but so rich that I could only eat one.  Today I ate another one and maybe my box of candy will last until Valentine's Day.  That's only if I hide them from Rick!  No, just kidding.  He's been watching his sweets so I know he won't eat many at all.  Sometimes Suzanne gives me candy for Valentine's Day, but my girls are the only ones who even think of me on that holiday, since Jimmy died.  

Holidays are days that I no longer celebrate, but Brandon & Suzanne have recently expressed interest is getting together again.  They miss the family getting together and so do I.  We made some really good memories and Suzanne & Brandon are not willing to give up the memory making just yet.  I don't blame them.  Family is all you have in the end.

Today my brother Dennis comes home from the hospital in Paducah.  He had his shoulder socket replaced and he's going to be bionic like me and Laurel are.  Laurel is more bionic than all of us, lol.  His surgery was yesterday and Laurel said that he did well, but was a chatter box and they couldn't keep him quiet in the recovery room.  While Laurel & I talked on the phone I could hear Dennis chatting up a storm there in his bed.  We both laughed.  He usually talks a lot anyway, but the medications he was on was making him talk even more.

I'm going to say, bye bye for now.  I've missed blogging and one of these days I'll search for other blogs to read like I used to, and maybe I'll get back to blogging on a steady basis.

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