Since we last saw Cucoo, waving goodbye to him as he boarded the U.S.S. Minnow, I've been going through his photo album looking at pictures of him. Here he is with his little singing Lamb.
Here Cucoo is posing with his favorite cat.

This is Cucoo rubbing noses with the Dancing Chicken. This picture was taken the same night that all the ruckus occurred when Daisy, the cat was
frightened by Cucoo and knocked over the Dancing Chicken, which in turn shut the power off on my computer.

Here is Cucoo the Lifeguard, watching over Brandon as he swims, on our recent trip to Western Kentucky. The trip was not without incident as Cucoo was kidnapped and
held for ransom.

Here is a picture of Cucoo getting ready to send out some
emails. He reluctantly turned his back to Daisy the cat, to pose for this picture. Daisy seems to be the only one in the house who is NOT unhappy about the disappearance of Cucoo.
Ah-ha! Do you think *Daisy* had anything to do with Cucoo's disappearance? If not personally, perhaps through hired cat-thugs??????
I'm suspicious.
Hmmm...perhaps you're right Jelly...that may be something to look into...It never crossed my mind!!!
Let's see boating, dancing, life guarding, getting kidnapped, writting e-mails. Sounds like he took off on another adventure to me. I wouldn't worry, he's probably off chaseing some tail feathers. after all it is spring time. We may have some little Cu's on the way.
Daisy did it. She got rid of Cucoo! Go search her hiding places.
Do I see a budding romance between Cucoo and the Dancing Chicken?
Glad you liked the orchids :)
I tried to leave a comment last night but blogger wouldn't let me. I am with jelly and rachel, check into the Daisy situation, maybe she or someone she knows has him captured. VBS
Poor Cucoo - missing and I also misspelled his name on my post.
Maybe the cat - oh no you haven't had any ranson demands have you?
Maybe the FBI should be called in.
I love following the adventures of Cucoo! He is so cute and so worldly, and that awesome hair...he's my HERO! (I'm sorry to hear about the kidnapping though- always unfortunate) If ever Cucoo wants to take a trip to Canada, you can mail him to me and we can take some pics. Cucoo could even become the next "roaming gnome"!
My friend 'Creative Mark' has a "Darth Tater" saga that you might find funny too.
Oh, it's soooo good to see Cucoo again. I think he's probably floated ashore on Gillian's Island and is chasing after Mary Ann, or maybe Ginger with the wild red hair.
Springtime does some pretty strange things...LOL Hugs, Finn
Cucoo looks like a survivor to me. Maybe Somershade is right. Spring is in the air. Cucoo may have gone courtin'.
I'm going to Georgia to look for Cucoo...I heard of a possible Cucoo sighting there. I will be leaving early Wednesday morning and returning on Saturday night...hopefully with Cucoo. Wish me luck.
I got big news for you, Cucoo is in Florida. I even heard that he may be by to visit me. I am anxiously waiting for a small "tap-tap-tap" at my door! I will let you know when he gets here.
Safe journey and hurry home. You'll be missed.
Hey, is Daisy a red and white furry one like Tigger?
Thanks for the link Sandy. I think Daisy and Tigger were separated at birth. Does Daisy have speckles on her nose? :)
Safe journey.
OMG, Cucoo is hilarious! Godspeed in your travels.
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