from morning til dark.
Always busy doing something
always moving around.
Repairs…who needs a repairman
when he is so handy?
He can fix about anything
as long as he can see it,
or simply just feel it.
But getting him to stop
at the end of the day
is not always as easy
as you might say.
When the night approaches
And it’s too dark to see,
well you can bet your sweet tootsies
that he still has something
that needs his sweet care.
Now what is he working on
way past dark?
He’s trimming my toenails,
and filing them down...
he’s making me pretty,
from my head…on down.
* I never said I was a poet!...and I took this picture while he was giving me a man-i-cure. Isn't he just the sweetest and he makes me feel like a princess. Between him and the kids & their families, I feel like the luckiest person in the whole wide world.
Are there any more of him around????? I'd like to order one please:-) hehe xox
Awww...how very sweet!!
He's a rare and precious commodity, your Jimmy!
The love you give comes back to you Sandy. I'm sure Jimmy feels very lucky too :)
He's a sweetheart for sure!
Great photo Sandy.
A keeper for sure!! I doubt many husbands give manicures!
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