Friday, October 09, 2009

Abnormal cells...

Abnormal cells were Jimmy's needle biopsy results which could mean that the cells are pre-cancerous, cancer or possibly even normal. So because of these results, he's scheduled for a partial thyroidectomy with frozen section which means that they are going to remove just the right lobe of his thyroid and have a pathologist standing by to quickly analyze the specimen and if he says that it is cancer, then the surgeon will go ahead and remove the entire thyroid and Jimmy will just have to take thyroid pills for the rest of his life. If the cancer has metastasized (traveled outside the thyroid to other locations) then I'm sure that will require further treatment and we're not going to even worry about that because his ENT doctor kept repeating that it was very good that it was caught so early.

So this is where we are right now and Jimmy is extremely happy about his results.

In the last few months Jimmy has also lost his sense of smell and taste and after a cat scan of his sinus' it was found that Jimmy has been suffering from a chronic sinus infection for a very long time that has never gone away. So steps to take care of this problem are ongoing and soon Jimmy will be able to taste & smell his favorite foods once again. Some of the things he said he misses most are being able to smell supper cooking, things baking in the oven and his morning coffee.

It's raining this morning but the temperature is nice. It getting to look like we may be in for a very beautiful Fall with lots of color this year. I hope so and it'll be so nice taking the bikes out and riding around looking at all the beautiful fall colors. In past years we've had to leave the state, which was also nice, in search of fall colors, but it looks like we won't have to look any farther than outside our door this year. Y'all have a nice day.


... Paige said...

I'm sure he will be fine...bless you as you both and all family endure the stress related to waiting for news.

Pins and needles have nothing on that.


Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

Thanks Paige, you're always there with such supportive words of wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that so many prayers have been going out for Jimmy. We love you both and miss you.

Brian, Reva and family